Example of buffer overflows)
간단한 암호 맞는지 여부 맞추는 프로그램을 예시로 듬
(wsl 실습이용)
checkpass.c | checkpasstest.c
(사용파일 결과)
Chaper2 Programs, Processes and Threads
Program | a prepared sequence of instructions to accomplish a defined task | |
Process | when the os has added the appropriate information in the kernel data structures and has allocated the necessary resources to run the program code, the program becoms a process a process has an address space and at least one flow of control called a thread |
Thread of execution (실행의 흐름) | The stream of instructions Represented by the sequence of instruction addresses assigned to the program counter |
program counter : to determine which process instruction es executed next (다음에 실행될 프로그램을 결정) |
multiple processes vs. multiple threads |
Example of Thread of execution)
"스택" 공간은 스레드마다 별도로 가지게 됨
스레드를 실행하는 직접적인 부분
장단점 : 스레드끼리 서로 공유하는 메모리가 있음.(별도의 작업이 없이) - heap부터 아래 공간까지
(프로세스끼리는 메모리를 공유x
공유하려면 시스템 콜을 써서 공유)
program image | a contiquous block of logical memory occupied by the program executable has several distinct sections |
Error handling functions | void perror(const char *s) char* strerror(int errnum) |
argument arrays)
strtok )
char * strtok(char* str, const char* delim);
str = "a b c"
'b' = strtok(NULL, " ");
1.strtok( , )
2.strtok( , ) =>충돌 문제
(다시 정리)
char * strtok(char* str, const char* delim , char** lasts);
lasts = a user-provided pointer to a location that strtok_r uses to store the startinn address for the next parse.
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