2023 2학기

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flip-flops are limited because they can store only one bit. a register is an extension of a flip-flop that can store multiple bits. 4-bit register (Reg-4) this register uses D flip-flops all the flip-flops share a common CLK and CLR signal >clock gating when LD = 0, the flip-flop C inputs are held at 1. no positive clock edge -> flip flops keep their current values when LD = 1, the CLK input pas..
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순차회로 SR Latch (1 bit 짜리 메모리 사용 가능) SR = 00 -> Qnext = Qcurrent - hold SR = 10 -> Qnext = 1 - set SR = 01 -> Qnext = 0 -reset SR = 11 -> 모순이 생김 S'R' Latch S'R' Latch with control input D Latch :based on S'R' Latch Latch의 실사용 Latch의 timing issue problem -> clocks and flip-flops 로 해결 clock : synchronize our latches with the ALU (enable) when clock = 1 , the latches will be enabled for writing. flip..
'2023 2학기' 카테고리의 글 목록